Whistler Staycation
Whistler Staycation
Posted on March 20, 2020
Wish You Were Here
In the wake of COVID-19, many of us around the globe have been forced to cancel our travel plans and return home in order to self isolate and practice physical distancing in order to stop the spread of novel coronavirus. Our thoughts are with those whose families have suffered the loss of loved ones, and the medical workers at the forefront of fighting for the health of the world at large. We know this is a very serious time, with daily updates from the media on the status of COVID-19, and we understand the stress and anxiety that lots of individuals are feeling. As such, our team has thought of a few ways to lighten your atmosphere of self-isolation by suggesting turning it into a Whistler ‘Staycation’. We thought if you can’t currently join us here, then we would try to bring you some joy with tips on some of Whistler’s best treats and eats. Now more than ever is the perfect time to support the amazing local businesses in Whistler’s community and we also suggest within your own. We’re also sharing our best tips for staying busy while remaining indoors.
Whistler Scent
Do you have some aromatherapy bottles sitting around the house? Why not put them to good use in setting the smell for your Staycation? Whistler is full of different scents depending on the time of year – the smell of pine or cedar can invoke the feeling of wandering through the forest. Floral scents can help you picture our wild Tiger Lily’s which grow in the mountain meadows during early June. Crisp mountain air can be emulated with wintergreen – taking you back to the heart of winter. If you’re really adventurous see if you can re-create our bustling summer biking scent of bike lube and skunk cabbage as you picture yourself riding through the lake trails. For any Staycation a bit of scent can help to immerse your imagination.
Whistler History
Did you know Whistler wasn’t always a ski town? In fact, the first public accommodation was a fishing lodge on Alta Lake. The Whistler Museum archive has blog on the history of our town which you can read here.

Whistler Eats
Whistler Chocolate
Whistler Chocolates are a little secret we give to some of our guests at the Crystal Lodge. Our favourites include their Milk Hazelnut Bar, Dark Sea Salt Bar, and the classic Milk Chocolate Bar. Whistler Chocolates can be purchased across Canada at different local grocers, click here to find Whistler Chocolates in your neighborhood – get them delivered or pick up a bar on your next shop.

Lucia Gelato
What’s more local than the high-quality gelato from Lucia Gelato? This is a guest-favourite at the Crystal Lodge’s weekly lobby afternoon service in the summer season. The delicious and flavourful products can be found at many grocery stores, click here to find out where. Does your town have a specialty sweet treat that can be delivered with your next grocery order?

Whistler Drinks
Looking for some beer? Whistler has a number of breweries located in the Sea-to-Sky corridor and easily found across the country in your local liquor stores. Try out Whistler Brewing’s Bear Paw Honey Lager or Gluten-Free Forager Pale ale. Just check here to find a liquor store near you or call 604-962-8889 to place an order in the Whistler area.
Another core Whistler classic is Coast Mountain’s Pow Pilsner and Surveyor IPA, they will leave you wanting more. Currently, they’re making free deliveries around Whistler, click here to order now.
While enjoying some of Whistler’s classic local eats and drinks, here are some of our recommendations for battling the boredom when stuck indoors.

Skype and Facetime your Friends and Family!
Isolation doesn’t mean you have to stop communicating with your friends and family. We are all doing our best to stay calm through these extraordinary times and sometimes a call can make all the difference to make you feel connected.

Netflix Party
You might be asked to not gather with others. The Google Chrome Netflix Party extension allows you to connect with others to watch your favourite movie or show. Perhaps a Ski Movie to reconnect with the feeling of being on the slopes? Connect, chat, and enjoy! To learn more about the extension, click here.

Read a Book
We all get busy. When is the last time you’ve had a chance to sit down to cozy up and read your favourite book? Download a new e-book or try out an audiobook for a change! Check out Audible for their best-sellers if you are looking for ideas on what to read.

Learn Something New
Try taking an online course. When have you ever had so much time to learn something new. Whether it be a photography course, a cooking class, or maybe something else you’re passionate about like indoor cycling to build up for the Mountain Bike Park. Skillshare offers a free two-month trial to try out their online courses. From fine art to web development, to lifestyle and productivity, there is no shortage of classes you can take. To learn more about Skillshare, click here.

Virtually Escape the Confinements of Your Home
An easy way to distract yourself from everything happening around the world is to get sucked into the world of YouTube. Follow a new youtuber and get lost as you spend hours moving from one video to the next.
Escape the confinement of your home and check out National Geographic’s Photo of the Day. Or maybe you want to see past our universe and view NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day here. With a Virtual Escape you could have a ‘Staycation’ somewhere different each day.
We understand the seriousness of COVID-19 and in no way is this blog to make light of the disease. We are sharing these tips in the hopes that by getting a bit creative with ‘staycation’ ideas we can ease a bit of stress and help encourage everyone to stay home as much as possible until this pandemic passes. To stay up-to-date on how The Crystal Lodge is responding to COVID-19, please check here to see how our team is addressing travel concerns.